Identification |
Official Latin term | venae lumbales sinistrae |
Official subsidiary term | veines lombaires gauches |
Unit identifier | TAH:U15443 |
Unit type | unit type set |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Notes |
According to NA3/4 and other sources, the first and second left lumbar veins drain to the Vena lumbalis ascendens sinistra, the third and fourth to the inferior vena cava, and the fifth, synonym for the Vena iliolumbalis sinistra, to the left common iliac vein. These are replaced to their proper place. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U3568 | |
TAH:U4418 | |
TAH:U4480 | |
TAH:U4666 | |
TAH:U4669 | |
TAH:U15442 | |
TAH:U15443 | venae lumbales sinistrae |
TAH:U15436 | |
TAH:U15437 | |
TAH:U15434 | |
TAH:U15435 | |
TAH:U4746 |
Total |
5 children
Taxonomy |
TAH:G15443 | vena lumbalis sinistra |
Date: 28.06.2023 |